Combat enthusiasts

Combat sport is today religiously practiced on each of the seven continents and different people have varying views on which one of the martial arts disciplines is the most effective. This is also the case in Thailand where dedicated students practice at more than two hundred Muay Thai training camps all over Thailand. The full body workout routine is known to improve health, it also produces a high level of physical fitness and is also one of the best weight loss symptoms you will ever need. This unique form of martial arts is the national sport of Thailand and it is a highly effective self defense system. In Thai boxing you punch and kick using fists, elbows, feet and knees. Anyone who has ever done training in a gym, lifting weights will know that although such training can produce very satisfactory results staying motivated and committed is not so easy. When results are not immediately evident many are tempted to use steroids and other harmful substances.

It is different with Muay Thai

The problem with combat gym training is that there is simply not enough fun and other stimulation. However in Muay Thai training everything takes place in a group where students continue to push one another ensuring lots of motivation. You see Muay Thai training camps tend to have a vibe and a identity of their own. It’s like a community within a community where people feel welcome, protected and appreciated. It’s like being among a loving and caring family where you and your dreams count and where highly skilled trainers continues to provide guidance and advice that genuinely helps students to stay on track. This does not mean that there are no rivalry and competition but still the training camp always remains a tight knit unit where people look out for each other. A high percentage of Muay Thai fighters have been  fighting since the age of eight and for many it’s their primary source of income.

A family tradition

Many families in Thailand have been involved in Muay Thai for centuries. Fathers have trained sons generation after generation. This combat sport is honoured and respected all over Thailand and it enjoys the wholehearted support of the king. One thing that amazes people who are introduced to Muay Thai for the first time is the fact that both male and female Muay Thai fighters always have perfectly sculpted bodies without any excess fat and not a single one of them have any problems with obesity and related problems. In Thailand people are always friendly and there are some very interesting characters many of whom become lifelong friends. Muay Thai students quickly learn to focus their attention on the things which really matter. This is a critical skill when faced with a skilled opponent. Without it it’s best to stay out of a Muay Thai ring since there is a very strong likelihood that you will be severely injured. Muay Thai remains one the best competitor sports in the world and it’s not surprising that so many people are showing an interest in Muay Thai. Combat enthusiasts | Suwitmuaythai is information of sport business with internet technology.