Month: March 2015

The Ideal Way to Get in Shape with Muay Thai

As people grow older they have hard time to keep themselves in shape. Even if they are going to the gym regularly they start to notice that they are slowly getting extra weight. On top of that, it seems that any loss weight plan doesn’t work. Spending extra time in the gym is not really an option because people don’t have time to do that and they feel bored because…

Muay Thai – a great way to get and stay in shape

One of the main reasons why people stop with their regular exercises and workouts is that they simply cannot find a valid reason to go on with these exercises. Once they succeed with their loss weight plan and strengthen their body they simply think that they have achieved everything that needs to be achieved. There is no logic to spend money on gym membership when all you get there is…

How to Use Internet for Muay Thai

The world is growing every second and if we want to chase it, we have to keep same pace. We’re living in 21st century and there are many resources available to us which were not present years back. Today we got internet and using that we can do uncountable things, so is it possible that we use internet for Muay Thai training and if yes then How? Well I’m here…

Is Starting Muay Thai training Difficult ?

Engaging in activities that are completely new to you can cause a sense of insecurity and fear. It is completely natural to feel fear and get the feeling that the activity is difficult when you start that activity for the first time in your life. However, if you look at any professional Muay Thai fighter you must understand that he had the same feeling when he started. The truth is…

Muay Thai is a combat sport

Muay Thai is a combat sport which is becoming popular all over the world. The sport was originated in Thailand. It was started in the 15th century where most of the fighters used to use this sport to defeat the warriors. The most famous fighter of Thai was Nai Khanom Tom, who single handedly defeated 9 warriors with the use of Muay Thai. However this sport has evolved since then…