Month: March 2015

Single Women Travel Advice with Martial arts

The number of women who are single and above the age of 25 has increased and there are various reasons for that. However, these women have the same needs just like everyone else – they want to enjoy life and take care of their health at the same time. That’s why it is no surprise why so many single women are traveling alone for the holidays. Travel agencies are offering…

Achieving Fitness through Muay Thai

Fitness can be defined as the condition of being physically fit and healthy or the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest. It is a set of attributes or characteristics seen in people and which relate to the ability to perform a given set of physical activities. Before the industrial revolution, fitness was the…

Muay Thai as Exercise

Training workouts here are focused on getting you started building and developing a training foundation, to start building muscle endurance, losing weight and burning calories to get you in better overall shape. If you are a complete martial arts novice say Muay Thai. As with anything new, start slow, go at your own pace and consult your physician before you begin any of these exercises. Go at your own pace….

This sport is also a great way to keep the body fit

Thailand is a land of smiles. This is because the people of Thai are always smiling and humble. They are very kind hearted and are ready to help even to the strangers. This is also because Thailand is a tourist’s destination and most of its revenue is generated from this business. But apart from it, there are great landscapes and white sand beaches to lure the tourists. Thailand is also…

Muay Thai is a type of combat skill

Started in the splendid country of Thailand, Muay Thai is a type of combat skill which has gradually transformed into a sport. It is also the national martial art of Thailand. Muay Thai is an important form of martial art which emphasizes on the exclusive use of eight points in the body, the fists, elbows, shins and knees to fight with the opponent. There are various techniques involved in Muay…