Year: 2015

Improve your physical and mental health

We all know that taking a holiday abroad is one of the best things we can do. The change of the everyday setting and experiencing something new while relaxing can provide positive effects on many levels. The best part is that people today can choose between many travel destinations. Just like in the past 15 years, Thailand remains to be one of the most visited travel destinations. This is an…

Good Health by Practicing a Fight Discipline

While lots of people are learning Muay Thai kickboxing with a purpose of self-defense, big number of tourists and foreigners get attracted to this sport for fitness reasons. Training Muay Thai brings lots of health benefits, such as losing weight, bigger endurance, good flexibility and increased quickness. As this sport is getting more popular every day, lots of people travel on a holiday to Thailand to join a camp where…

A Different Type of Holiday

There is no person on this planet who doesn’t like holidays. This is a time of the year when we can finally relax and forget about all the daily duties, both domestic and at the workplace, which we have during the year. Different people have different requirements for their holidays. Some of them want to be part of wild parties while others prefer to spend the entire day on the…

Combat sport can do wonders for the health of women

You have probably heard that physical activity is extremely important for the health. This is something that women hear every time they visit their doctor. But yet, most women today stay away from physical activity. In many cases, this is not their fault. It is very difficult to have good time management and find free time when you are working, spending time with your partner and taking care of kids….

Muay Thai for speed and power

There is no question at this point that Muay Thai has proven to be an excellent fighting system that has made it easier for a lot of fighters in MMA to be able to finish their fights. The popularity of Muay Thai has grown more and more with people like Wanderlei Silva, The spider Silva and many other fighters who have made Muay Thai their main method to finish fights…